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Comparison at a Glance of STRONGO Brick and Red Clay Brick

  • Compressive Strength
  • Water absorption as per IS: 1077 – 1992(3) specifications
  • Density
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission
  • Fuel Consumption
  • Fertile soil consumption
  • Efflorescence as per BIS: 3495 Part 3
  • Wastage/ Breakage
  • Mortar Joint Thickness Saving
  • Plaster Saving
  • Thermal Insulation/ Energy Saving
  • Volume and Carpet area saving for 230 x 110 x 70mm size
  • Cost-Saving
  • 120 - 150 kg/sqcm
  • 5 – 12 max
  • 1700 kg/cumtr
  • Zero CO2 emission. One ton fly ash used saves appx. one ton CO2 emission to the environment
  • No coal required
  • Zero soil consumption. Fly ash consumption upto 80%
  • Zero. Resulting in brick getting stronger with passage of time
  • 0.05 – 1%
  • 10 – 12 mm i.e., Up to 50% less due to uniform shape and size
  • Up to 50% due to uniform wall surface, direct gypsum plaster can be applied
  • 15% – 30% better
  • 100 sqft. 9” wall requires 925 bricks due to even and uniform size of bricks
  • 25% – 30% lesser construction cost
  • 30 - 80 kg/sqcm
  • 25 – 35
  • 1300 – 1800 kg/cumtr
  • One sqft. of carpet area will emit 17.6 kg of CO2
  • One sqft. of carpet area with clay bricks will consume 8kgs of coal
  • One sqft. of carpet area with clay brick walling will consume 25.5 kg of fertile top soil
  • Usually after 25 – 30 days of building masonry gets weaker and weaker
  • 10 – 15%
  • Non uniform shape and size leads to wastage of mortar
  • Irregular and uneven wall surface require thick and non-durable plaster
  • Zero
  • 100 sqft. 9” wall requires upto 1100 bricks due to varying non-uniform brick size
  • Wastage of materials leading to cost escalation and complications during construction in terms of time and finance
  • 3 Times more stronger
  • 4 Times less water absorbtion
  • -
  • Green product
  • No emitious
  • No natural resource consume
  • -
  • 10% More savings
  • 25% More savings
  • 25% More savings
  • 15% Better
  • -
  • 30% Overall savings
Compressive Strength

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : 120 - 150 kg/sqcm

RED CLAY BRICKS : 30 - 80 kg/sqcm

ADVANTAGES : 3 Times more

Water absorption as per IS: 1077 – 1992(3) specifications



ADVANTAGES : 4 Times less water absorbtion


STRONGO ECO BRICKS : 1700 kg/cumtr

RED CLAY BRICKS : 1300 – 1800 kg/cumtr


Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : Zero CO 2 emission. One ton fly ash used saves appx. one ton CO2 emission to the environment

RED CLAY BRICKS : One sqft. of carpet area will emit 17.6 kg of CO2

ADVANTAGES : Green product

Fuel Consumption

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : No coal required

RED CLAY BRICKS : One sqft. of carpet area with clay bricks will consume 8kgs of coal

ADVANTAGES : No emitious

Fertile soil consumption

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : Zero soil consumption. Fly ash consumption upto 80%

RED CLAY BRICKS : One sqft. of carpet area with clay brick walling will consume 25.5 kg of fertile top soil

ADVANTAGES : No natural resource consume

Efflorescence as per BIS: 3495 Part 3

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : Zero. Resulting in brick getting stronger with passage of time

RED CLAY BRICKS : Usually after 25 – 30 days of building masonry gets weaker and weaker


Wastage/ Breakage


RED CLAY BRICKS : 10 – 15%

ADVANTAGES : 10% More savings

Mortar Joint Thickness Saving

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : 10 – 12 mm i.e., Up to 50% less due to uniform shape and size

RED CLAY BRICKS : Non uniform shape and size leads to wastage of mortar

ADVANTAGES : 25% More savings

Plaster Saving

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : Up to 50% due to uniform wall surface, direct gypsum plaster can be applied

RED CLAY BRICKS : Irregular and uneven wall surface require thick and non-durable plaster

ADVANTAGES : 15% More savings

Thermal Insulation/ Energy Saving

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : 15% – 30% better


ADVANTAGES : 15% Better

Volume and Carpet area saving for 230 x 110 x 70mm size

STRONGO ECO BRICKS : 100 sqft. 9” wall requires 925 bricks due to even and uniform size of bricks

RED CLAY BRICKS : 100 sqft. 9” wall requires upto 1100 bricks due to varying non-uniform brick size



STRONGO ECO BRICKS : 25% – 30% lesser construction cost

RED CLAY BRICKS : Wastage of materials leading to cost escalation and complications during construction in terms of time and finance

ADVANTAGES : 30% Overall savings